Training on Allegro OrCAD 17.4 & 22.2 Advanced PCB Design.

 Allegro OrCAD 17.4 Schematic Capture & PCB Editor

OrCAD Capture is one of the most powerful schematic design environments. With Capture, you can quickly, easily, and intuitively create complex schematic designs.  This  Series introduces you to OrCAD Capture 17.4. Upon completion of this Course, you will be able to work professionally.

Schematic Capture

Vertical 1:

  • Open Capture 17.4 and create a new project

  • Edit design, template, and title block preferences

  • Add a new library file to your project 

Vertical 2:

  • Copy library parts and paste them into a new design library

  • Rename and edit a library part

  • Create a new part and add it to your design library

Vertical 3:

  • Add a library to your Capture project

  • Place a title block, components, ground and power on a schematic page

  • Search for parts in the default Capture libraries

  • Place a part from the Unified Search (New in 17.4)

Vertical 4:

  • Connect components to wires

  • Select and move groups of wired components

  • Connect a bus to components and nets

Vertical 5:

  • Place net aliases

  • Add a new net alias to multiple nets and buses

Vertical 6:

  • Edit component values and display information on the schematic

  • Add PCB footprints to your design

Vertical  7:

  • Edit reference designator text

  • Automatically update schematic annotation

Vertical 8:

  • Define differential pairs both manually and automatically

Vertical 9:

  • Configure and run a design rule check (DRC)

  • Correct violations

Vertical 10:

  • Create a custom BOM

  • Open the BOM in Excel

Vertical 11:

  • Configure the first-time setup for a Smart PDF

  • Generate a Smart PDF

Vertical 12:

  • Create a new PCB layout and netlist for the design

PCB Editor

Allegro OrCAD 17.4 Schematic PCB Editor

 OrCAD PCB Editor provides engineers with a concept-to-production design environment. With OrCAD PCB Editor, you can complete your next project easily with powerful design capabilities such as differential signal definition, interactive routing, high-speed constraint management, and real-time design capabilities. This Series introduces you to OrCAD PCB Editor 17.4.

Vertical 1: 

  • Setup and edit design parameters  

  • Add a layer to the board stack up  

Vertical 2: 

  • Create a mounting hole 

  • Place mechanical symbols on your PCB 

Vertical 3: 

  • Place components 

  • Review a report that identifies unplaced components 

  • Cross probe components between Capture and PCB Editor 

Vertical 4: 

  • Set up a differential pair 

  • Specify electrical, physical and differential pair rules with Constraint Sets 

Vertical 5: 

  •      Add ground and power planes  

  • Draw and merge geometric shapes 

Vertical 6: 

  • Route and clean-up traces 

  • Verify all nets are routed 

Vertical 7: 

  • Run a Design Rule Check 

  • Identify and correct DRC errors 

Vertical 8: 

  • Add dimensions and title block for fabrication 

  • Create a Drill Chart and Cross Section Chart 

  • Setup Artwork Films 

Vertical 9: 

  • Generate IPC-2581, Gerber Artwork files and NC Drill file 

Vertical 10: 

  • Setup STEP mapping for 3D Models  

  • Perform collision detection 

  • Cross-probe between 2D and 3D to resolve collisions 

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